オリジナルグラスOriginal Glass :
Original Goblet 330ml琥珀系の色合いは歴史ある白ビールの伝統的な外観であり、私たちがよく知っている白ビールよりも高いアルコール度数 (6%) を持っています。地元で (1991年に) 造られたこの白ビールは、その名を誇らしげに冠したグランドオネル川とプティオネル川の岸を超えてずっと前に誕生しました。しかし、ブランシュ・デ・ゾネルは、一部のビールが辿ってきた悪路は避けています。
Amber in colour, which after all is the traditional appearance of historical white beers, it has a higher volume of alcohol (6%) than the white beers we are familiar with. Having been created locally (1991), this white beer has long since burst out beyond the banks of the Grande and Petite Honnelle rivers whose name it proudly bears. Yet, Blanche des Honnelles steers clear of the well-trodden paths taken by some beers. Its taste is surprising and in no way comparable to the other beverages of the same type that are currently on the market. While relatively discreet on the nose, its initial flavour yields to an intensely dry bitterness on a peppery background. There is no acidity in this three-cereal white beer (barley, wheat, oats). Its taste is invigorating.