オリジナルグラスOriginal Glass:
スニフターSnifter 330ml上質なランビックを思わせる、キツさの無い酸味とクリークのフルーツの酸味が素晴らしい香りと味わいを生み出しています。
ここのトリプルEnfant Terripleをオーク樽で熟成、その最中にチェリーを漬け込んで仕上げたトリプルクリークです。糖分を分解させるのに必要な5か月間をゆっくりと費やすことで、鮮烈な赤い色合いと穏やかな酸味を持つ素晴らしい味わいが造り出されます。
The Enfant Terriple is put for 6 months on cherries: 250 g sour, un-pitted cherries per litre beer. During this time, the bacteria are given time to digest all sugars even further and to let the soft natural souring have its way. Meanwhile, the cherries slowly donate their blood-red colour and their succulent taste. Part of this cherry also is transferred to the oak wine barrels where it – in a grow-bed of lactobacillus – during a year adds further to a woody souring and softening. The result is a triple-kriek ‘pur sang’. With this, a new saint is added to the Cuvée family of Brewery De Leite.
The Cuvée Soeur’Ise, is a wink to cherry in French (= ‘cerise’). The divine saint has already seduced many, all over the world!
INGREDIENTS:water, barley malt (gluten), wheat malt (gluten), oats (gluten), rice, hops, yeast, herbs, cherries, sugar
ラベルデザイナー:Tinus Vermeersch
ゲントのKASKで絵画を、シントルーカスで彫刻を学びました。Tinusは、クラフトマンシップ (フォーム、ライン、素材の探索を含む) との深い親和性を、時には名人芸で戯れる「芸術」へと深めました。修道女の顔は妻のジョークからインスピレーションを得ました。
The label was designed by Tinus Vermeersch (°1976) studied painting at the KASK in Ghent and sculpture arts at Sint-Lucas. Tinus has deepened his great affinity with craftsmanship (including exploring forms, lines, materials) into an 'art' that sometimes flirts with virtuosity. For the face of the nun, the artist let himself be inspired by his wife Joke.