オリジナルグラスOriginal Glass:
チューリップTulip330mlTulip250ml /
WineGlassセント・ベルナルドス・トリペルは、伝統的な修道院ビールで、古典的な「トリペル」スタイルを踏襲しています。ワトゥ地方では、トリペルはしばしば「ベルナディチ」と呼ばれています。エヴァリスト・デコーニンク(1946 年に醸造所を設立)の末娘ベルナディチに敬意を表した素晴らしいトリビュートです。
St.Bernardus Tripel is a traditional abbey beer that follows the classic ‘Tripel’ style. In the Watou region a tripel is often referred to as a ‘Bernadetje’. A fine tribute that pays homage to Bernadette, the youngest daughter of Evariste Deconinck (founder of the brewery in 1946).
St.Bernardus Tripel is a blonde beer with an inviting golden hue and an impressive, velvety-soft head of froth. It has a slightly sweet aroma and a flowery, fruity taste in which bitter and sweet merge harmoniously. Thanks to its pleasant hoppiness, the mouth feel of this beer is nothing short of beatific. A hugely accessible beer that is surprisingly light in character.
セント・ベルナルドス トリペルは、ほのかな甘い香りと、花のようなフルーティーな味わいで、苦味と甘味が調和しています。心地よいホップの風味のおかげで、このビールの口当たりは至福のひとときです。喉の渇きを癒し、食欲を刺激します。まさに完璧な組み合わせです。驚くほど軽い味わいで、非常に飲みやすいビールです。
St.Bernardus Tripel has a slightly sweet aroma and a flowery, fruity taste in which bitter and sweet merge harmoniously. Thanks to its pleasant hoppiness, the mouth feel of this beer is nothing short of beatific - it quenches your thirst and stimulates the appetite and this is what we call a perfect combination. A hugely accessible beer that is surprisingly light in character.
Culinary:Its understated bitterness makes this beer a great candidate to serve at informal gatherings or as an aperitif. This tripel also makes a perfect pair for poultry and enhances the taste of most savoury snacks.